Friday, 1 July 2016

Great Organic Gardening Tips That Will Help You Out

Contrary to popular belief, growing an organic garden doesn't mean you're one step away from joining a commune or living off the land. It just means you want healthier food, bereft of the harsh chemicals that are used by mass-producing farms. Here are some tips to ensure that your garden will always grow.

Attract butterflies and hummingbirds to your garden. Certain plants are highly attractive to butterflies and hummingbirds due to their nectar. Hummingbirds tend to favor any flower that is shaped like a trumpet, especially if it is pink, red or purple. Examples of these are honeysuckle, fuchsia and monarda. Butterflies like flat, daisy-like flowers, such as chrysanthemums, asters and coneflowers. Choose a sunny position, as both butterflies and hummingbirds appreciate the warmth.

Spend the additional money to fence in your garden. You are about to make real investment in time and money to create a garden of your own, but it can all go to waste through the stomping feet of playful children, pets and other small animals. Protect your investment with a small fence that keeps the kids and critters out.

Grow some wheat grass or cat grass next to the plants your cat seems to prefer. Additionally, use your cat's keen sense of smell to your advantage. Citrus fruit peels and mothballs both smell horrible to cats, so put them on the soil near the plants your cat likes to eat.

Try growing crops that are easy to store or store themselves. If handled properly and gently, given the right amount of time to cure, garlic, onions, sweet potatoes, squash, dry beans, or shallots will keep for a very long time in a cool, dry place. No canning or freezing required. This will ensure having fresh vegetables from the garden all winter long.

If you are going to be doing a lot of work in your garden very close to the ground, such as weeding or planting, use a garden stool or pad to protect your knees. This will make it easier to get back up again and move once you finish, and will also reduce bruising on your knees.

Make sure you are realistic about your gardening abilities. It is easy to get excited about the possibilities that your garden holds. However, it does not make sense to purchase seeds that will not thrive in your climate. Research what type of plants you can successfully grow and stick to your list when shopping.

To create nutrient rich soil for your garden in advance, gather unused fish parts and bury them in the soil. Leave the fish parts untouched in the soil for as long as you can before planting over it. For best results, be sure to bury the fish parts at least 8 inches in the ground.

Be sure to buy a wheelbarrow and a kneeling stool that you can use for your garden. It can be very uncomfortable on the knees when working so close to the ground, so a light, portable stool makes gardening easier. Gardeners usually need a wheelbarrow to move the heavy dirt and other objects so they are a good item to buy.

When deciding to plant a garden, it is important to survey the areas available for planting and determine which will be the best location. Whether you grow your fruits and vegetables in your yard, on your patio in containers, or on your apartment balcony, your plants should be in a location which is exposed to sunlight. To yield the best harvest, most crops need to be situated in an area which is an open location that is sunny.

To make sure you're getting a level edge when pruning your bushes, use a piece of rope or a line. Simply fasten the rope to two pieces at the approximate height you'd like the bush to be at. Seeing the bush along this straight line will make it easy to see if it's level at a glance.

To keep cats, snakes, and other critters out of your garden, use moth balls. Moth balls may not smell pleasant to us, but they smell even worse to most animals, and they'll easily scare them away. Simply scatter a few moth balls at the edges of your garden. Moth balls can be obtained very cheaply from drug stores and dollar stores.

Give your garden an exotic look with succulents. Succulents, either planted directly into the ground, or in pots, can give your garden an exotic feel. Most are grown for their interesting shapes, but quite a few have showy flowers. They require lots of light, sandy, rapid-draining soil, and modest watering during the growing season. The hardiest succulents are sedum and sempervivum. They are easy to propagate by clump division, and stems root easily when planted in moist soil.

It is important to remember to apply sunscreen to the back of your neck as well as your ears when you are gardening. Many people focus on their face, hands and arms when they are applying sun block before going outside to do their gardening. Your ears and the back of your neck will get a lot of sun exposure, so it is important to protect them too.

Yes, there is a stigma that comes with the word "organic," but that's because most people fail to realize that the word organic, basically means natural. In fact, growing organic is as natural as you can possibly get. So make sure to use these gardening tips when you're ready to grow organic food.